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What Are Your Gifts Outside Of Work?


While work is a job, it's not something that defines who we are as a person. You have so much light to offer this world; you have so much love to share with people. Creative expression is key to truly living a meaningful life. Within us all, we have gifts, special talents and intricate traits to prosper and bring change to the world. What is your God-given gift?

CC: Me with the kids on my mission trip to Ethiopia; October 2022

God has laid out the plan for our lives to impact people in a purposeful way. You are not a disappointment, you are a divine miracle. You are not a mistake, you are a masterpiece. You are not cancelled, you are chosen. You were born for such a time as this to leave your mark on our generation and the generations to come! How are you using your talents? Who are you sharing them with? You don't know how you can change someone's life by using your gifts.

CC: I have a hobby of drawing in my free time--brings me peace

In a world that's always changing, you can stand firm in your faith to bring change in your community. Think about one gift you feel God has given you and that is something you naturally excel at. How have you used that gift? Remember, your gift doesn't have to equate to making an amass amount of money, however, it could be an encourager, a missionary, a coach, a carpenter or an architect. Whatever it is, keep at it and never give up... especially during the times we're living in. Life is really exhausting right now. People are dying left and right, devastation and tragedies are a constant, but remain in prayer and trust in God-- knowing that He is constant and He is faithful...and He's got you right in the palm of His hands. (Joshua 1:9)

CC: A beautiful mural in Kirkwood (Atlanta, GA)

We need your presence. We need your smile. We need your light. There is no one like you on the planet and there never will be. You weren't created on an assembly line, you have the DNA of God running through your veins and are so loved. Continue with growing in the gifts God gave you and with time and patience watch and see where your gifts will take you.

2 Chronicles 15: 7 "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

Love you so much friends!




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