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Rest Not Rush


Hi family! It has been quite some time since I have written--I do apologize for the delayed post. Sometimes life just happens and you have to go with the flow. But I'm back, so let's get started! :)

Life has felt very rushed lately--whether it be work, personal life, or outside activities. It made me realize how much I just want to slow down and take every moment in. We live in a world where rushing, hustling and taking no breaks is the norm. We're brainwashed to think if we aren't working around the clock, we're losing out which couldn't be further from the truth. Taking no breaks can't be the reality we live in. We have to rest. To choose to put down the phones, take a nap, go on a walk to clear our mind and make time for God and hear what He's telling us.

My pastor today gave such a powerful word. He talked about how people are bored and the mere reality that the social media sphere is feening for our attention. From content to content, 24/7 365 days. In all honesty, he's right. We can become addicted and not even realize how deep we're in. We go from one social media app to another--whether that be Instagram to Netflix to Facebook and then back to Instagram. We don't notice how toxic the habit is. I'm not saying social media is the devil, but if you're not disciplined to know when to shut it off, the phone will end up ruling you and we must be good stewards of what God has given us. My pastor challenged me to take some much needed time away from social media--to go on a fast for a couple days, weeks or maybe even months. And while that may seem weird or outrageous in the culture we live in, it's simply what I need to do right now in my current season. To take a step back--to really hear from God, to discover new traits and characteristics that He has given me--and ultimately change the direction of where my life is going.

So I challenge you to be completely honest with your self. Do you need to fast and take time away from your social media apps to hear from God or spend time with your loved ones or to be more present in today or to just take a step back and quiet the noise around you? Whatever you need to do, I encourage you to take those steps. God loves you so much and He wants you to discover your purpose and to run with the fire He has given you.

Friend, you are so talented and have so much greatness within you!

I leave this mighty scripture with you as I end the post:

Sending love, joy, hope and peace to you!

Love you!




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