Panamá; A country of over 4.3 million people with 477,000 residents living in Panamá City. Best known for the Panamá Canal and tourism. The island's tropical climate and vast terrain is something not to be missed-- mostly mountainous covered by the rainforest and jungle. The animal population has over 225 mammal species, 228 reptile species, 1002 bird species and over 1400 different breeds of orchids. WOW! The people are kind, welcoming and friendly, the food is delicious, and the culture is vibrant and fun!

I came to Panamá for a family members 60th birthday party and was actually not even supposed to go. (so thankful I did) Although it was just four days, it felt as if I had been away for a week. From the moment I got off the plane up until I had ended the trip, I was in complete awe of Panamá's tropical beauty and slower pace of living. We stayed in the city of Coclé about 2 1/2 hours outside of Panamá City and the drive was bumpy, but in all beautiful sights along the way. Seeing the locals go about their everyday lives with such ease and little to no worries was invigorating-- I thought to myself, I need that!
Day 2 we went on a boat ride in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Our boat docked near bird island and I was a bit skeptical about diving in; however, I took the plunge and thought YOLO--and I'm so glad I jumped in. Swimming in the middle of the ocean was a bit frightening, but taking bold steps little by little is a freeing moment. Don't be scared, just go at your own pace.

CC: Bird Island and a cross directly in the middle

CC: The boat ride to Bird Island
We also had the opportunity to visit El Valle. This town is inside the crater of an extinct volcano surrounded by lush mountains and cloud forests and fresh crisp air. The local markets are filled with native artisans and food and plant vendors and restaurants are a must see while you're out there!

The last day was filled with relaxation and loads of rice and beans, steak fajitas, yuca and veggies oh and sweets of course :)! The beach was a bit rough, but still enjoyable and the black sand was mixed from iron residue from the volcano.

CC: Outside the hotel by the beach
Trips are much needed to take a break from the hustle and bustle and just unwind. I highly recommend an international trip or just even a domestic trip within your region. We're not meant to drive ourselves into the ground with work, but make it a priority to spend some time with family, friends or just even yourself to see the world and rest. I found myself feeling relaxed, content and hopeful for what's ahead!
I hope you leave feeling great--BIG THINGS ARE COMING for both you and me. <3
2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."