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Lost LeBlanc--From 9-5 to Worldwide Youtuber


Where do I begin with Lost LeBlanc? YouTube has always been an enjoyment for people all over the world. From music video's to interviews, to make-up tutorials, online church services, to lifestyle vlogs the content is endless. Youtube is a powerful media platform that connects the globe and builds long-lasting friendships + relationships + business connects.

Travel has always sparked my interest, from the moment I took my first plane ride as a little girl to even right now. (I always get so excited to see the world and all it's beauty that God made). Watching behind the scenes and traveling in the eyes of someone else brings a different perspective. It elevates your mind but also makes you see the reality of the real world (both the good and bad). Back to the story,--The first time I truly came across a travel vlogger that I thoroughly enjoyed was Christian LeBlanc.

[CC: Lostleblanc Instagram in Mykonos, Greece]

I came across his video last February to Mount Sinai in Egypt--and from the beginning of the video, up until the end I was hooked!(I watched every single Egypt vlog) Side note: (Christian was actually the reason why I went to Egypt last May for my birthday so thank you, Christian, lol). From the amount of information I learned about the country-- to the phenomenal videography-- to the creativity and authenticity of Christian--and to the reality of being a tourist in the country was just so cool to see! Having ventured into more of his videos and hearing him be so genuine, natural and raw about his story really inspired me about my career path.

[CC: Lostleblanc Instagram]

So what's his story? Christian LeBlanc is from Canada and studied at the University of British Columbia. 6 years ago he was working @ his dream 9-5 job that he thought would bring him enjoyment, but in reality, he was depressed + unfulfilled and knew there was more to life than a desk job.(watch his story here) He needed a change.... So he quit his job and was working part-time with his friend, Brahm to make ends meet for a little while and then saved up enough money and made the bold decision to pack his bags and bought a one-way ticket to Bangkok. He picked up a camera and started shooting everything and learned all about content creation, videography, photography editing, to visual storytelling--the list goes on. It was a test of his faith and a game of trial and error; (nothing ventured, nothing gained). With time and determination over the years, he began reaching momentum with his travel videos and has reached well accredited success(well deserved for sure!) Christian now holds over 2M Youtube subscribers and has 652,000 Instagram followers. (Nothing happens overnight folks, lol) The places Christian has been ranges from: Turkey, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Egypt, Tanzania, Morocco, Kenya, Mexico, Norway, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, India, Japan, Paris + more!

CC: [Lostleblanc Instagram]

You may also be wondering how is he earning a living? The money he receives are from sponsorships, partnerships, Youtube and paid-ads + more. If you dive into his videos he explains everything upfront.

The thing that I admire most about Christian is that he yearns to give back to the creative community by sharing tips and tricks that he wish he would have learned years when he was just starting a Youtube Channel. He created The Lost Creator Academy gearing towards new Youtubers that want to create a sustainable channel that allows them to love and enjoy the work they create but also gets them paid. He teaches them short cuts, how to market and monetize and has hours of modules that will guide you step-by-step for filmmakers, photographers and creators. He even sometimes hosts meet ups for the Lost Academy in different locations all over the world. (It's nice that he aims to be personal and hands on meeting the students that join the course).

CC: [Lostcreatoracademy Instagram]

There comes a time in your life where you have to be honest with yourself--your passions--desires--callings; whatever you feel like God has gifted you and ask Him to help you make your dreams come to fruition. Remember good things take time and every day isn't going to be rainbows and sunshine--but it's the love, dedication, faith, trust, resilience and determination that will keep you strong on your life journey. Maybe you don't quite know your life calling just yet, that's okay. Ask the Lord to reveal it to and just listen and wait.

Christian is a true example of someone who never gave up regardless of the time it took and mountains he faced and you can do the same! It doesn't matter what field your in or what you want to go into next--you have the ability to change the course of your life and leave an imprint in the world. You just never know who you'll impact.

I hope this post encourages you to stand strong and keep your faith high. I believe in you!

CC: [Lostleblanc Instagram]

CC: [Lostleblanc Instagram]

CC: [Lostleblanc Instagram]

Keep the faith and never give up!

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

You are so loved by Jesus and you have a calling on your life... keep going!


CC: [Lostleblanc Instagram]



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