Ah! Karin :) She's so personal, friendly and has the most child-like laugh and smile... I love it!

CC: [Karin Bohn's Instagram]
Two years ago I was browsing through the travel section of Netflix and came across a series called Restaurants on The Edge. The name drew me in from "the edge" part and I was sold! The show has 2 seasons in countries such as: Malta, Hong Kong, Tobermory, Costa Rica, Austria, St. Lucia, Slovenia, Okonagan Valley, Finland, Muskoka, Hawaii, St. Croix and Arizona. (If you love travel mixed with interior design + marketing and food--then this will be the perfect new show for you) Other special guest(s) include Nick Liberato (celebrity chef) and Dennis Prescott (renowned chef).

CC: Dennis Prescott, Karin Bohn & Nick Liberato on set for Restaurants on The Edge
After I binged watched the series, something drew me in about Karin and how authentic, personable and sincere she is. So I did some research and discovered that she has an extensive amount of YouTube content on her channel that is very informative, personal and honest to her audience. (If interested, here is Karin's Youtube Channel)
Her Content ranges from:
Project Tours -- See the projects and the behind the scenes/nitty gritty details she displays from conception to completion.
Vlogs (A Day in the Life) -- Get to know the real Karin; inside and outside of work.
In Good Company -- Karin's new YT series she created to have sit down conversations about creators stories and their business. (Includes Digital Entreprenuer Jillian Harris, Mumgry founder Lilian Umurungi-Jung, Lighting Designer Matthew McCormick and Brunette the Label founder Miriam Alden)
Lifestyle -- Come along and follow Karin through holiday tips to photo shoot covers to international travels.
Bohnafide: The Office Edition -- Follow and see behind the scenes on how Karin transformed her office from start to finish.
Bohnafide: Home Renovation Series -- Karin shows you the real, raw and unedited behind the scenes of her town-house reno!
Karin has an Interior Design company called House of Bohn based in Vancouver, Canada specializing in modern luxury. She works within the residential and commercial sector and new upcoming developments. She even has a section catering to the work-in-progress jobs on her portfolio section on her website.

CC: [Karin Bohn @ House of Bohn Studio via Instagram]

CC: House of Bohn Instagram @ CMMN GRND (A fitness and social wellness collective located in Olympic Village)

CC: House of Bohn's Instagram @ Haven Kitchen & Bar (Langley's new "it spot")

CC: House of Bohn's Instagram (Caledon Residence bathroom)

CC: House of Bohn's Instagram (Down 2 Earth; Plant based restaurant located in Langley, BC)
The vast amount of knowledge she has working in her field is unfathomable. Karin is talented, wise, curious, thinks outside the box and has a very noble heart. Every time you watch a new YT video you feel as if you grow with her and get to know her more and more. I enjoy that she has a great standing with her employees (you can see and feel the energy in the videos and on her instagram). She also remains true to her business and what it stands for. I admire that she never has a routine and loves to switch things up and be spontaneous, creative and eclectic. (There is this one video that I thought was brilliant called "Bored At Work". It just goes to show that no matter if you love your job or not, there are moments when work becomes dry and that there are creative means to find that spark again!
Her honesty and rawness is unmatched as she dives into her personal life about miscarriage + IVF + the every day hustle and grind of a work life balance + more. Despite the trials of life, she recently gave birth to her first baby girl Madison earlier this year and has a video of her Labor and Delivery Story. (I'm so happy!!! :) ) You can really see the transformation with Karin over the past 4 years. I started watching her in 2020 and I see a massive difference on her outlook of life and just appreciating the simple moments. Life isn't geared toward hustling 24/7 (while it isn't a bad thing if you choose to do so). Life is in seasons and sometimes our outlook on things change. You grow, you move on or you meet new people and have real life experiences that elevate and mold you on the inside.

CC: Karin Bohn's Instagram (Karin with baby Madison)
Ya see, we are all on a journey... just like Karin is. She is the perfect analogy that there is no right way to life. We are all growing at our own pace and that is a beautiful thing! Remember... run your own race :)
God has you right where you are for a set reason and purpose. You're growing, seeking more of Him and your purpose in this life and becoming the beautiful person He has called you to be.
Seek Jesus and really get to know Him and watch and see how He completely transforms your life. I'm a prime example He changed mine. :)
I love you angel's... GOD BLESS YOU! :)
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.