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Intertalents in Sweden--A Safe Space Helping Expats To Gain Career Success In Sweden


Updated: Jul 22, 2022

5 years ago, I decided to make the exciting decision to study abroad. The place I chose was a city named Jönköping. It's a 4 hour drive from Stockholm, Sweden; And a place where most people have no idea the location, lol. It's south of Stockholm and is located on one of the most beautiful lakes in Sweden (Lake Vättern). You're probably wondering how this has anything to do with the subject of Intertalents; let me begin.

I studied for spring semester @ JIBS University (Jönköping International Business School) and loved it so much! Sweden is a very clean, green and airy place-- and they take care of their people really well. *Fun Fact--Sweden has about 270,000 islands, is one of the cleanest countries on the planet, the 5th largest country in Europe and 63% of Sweden is forest. Back to the story, I ended up meeting another American @ uni who was from Orlando, FL (Amanda Herzog) and we became very good friends--even til this day. She has been living in Sweden since 2017.

Amanda knew she wanted to stay and eventually become an EU citizen (which in Sweden can be a very hard, long and an extraneous process to gain citizenship). She was working tirelessly making ends meet--from working at a restaurant, to going to Swedish language class, working part time, applying for multiple job positions with an extensive work background, but she just couldn't seem to catch a break. She later then landed a job working at Husqvarna AB for a bit adding more experience under her belt. Amanda knew there needed to be a drastic shift in the work industry for foreigners like her to receive job opportunities. Her 3-5 years of living and learning experience in Sweden later helped her to start her company Intertalents of Sweden. Her two other expat friends, Krasimir Momchilov and Aurore Marchant were experiencing the same trials and they became co-founders of Intertalents in Sweden: A company tailored to creating career success for the foreigners living in Sweden. (Brilliant idea) A majority of the foreigners living in Sweden are on a work permit and want to become citizens, but in reality, it can be more difficult than it seems.

Intertalents in Sweden comes perfectly into play to assist the foreigners who encompass vast amount of skills, talents and professional knowledge by offering them a course + e-books that will guide them on their way to assimilate successfully and gain traction in the Swedish working world. The course + e-books can be accessed on their partner's website, Newbie Guide to Sweden, that will help you to navigate your way through networking and an action plan to receive a job. The course was created by Amanda Herzog and promises to offer students:

  • How to read between the lines of Swedish social culture (the stuff they won't tell you that you're doing "wrong")

  • Professional etiquette, including a template on how to write emails the Swedish way

  • How to be accepted into Swedish culture while still maintaining your own cultural identity (works for all cultures)

  • Powerful networking techniques that will get you unlimited referrals to jobs, apartment contracts, and more

  • How to get a guaranteed referral even if you know no one in Sweden

  • How to successfully network in Sweden in you're an introvert

  • How to get results even if you don't know the Swedish language

  • And a lot more...

The course is 399SEK/39USD.(which is a very reasonable price for a course). You can even see and read about the 5 star insightful testimonials that have been shared by their students. Their core mission is to give back to the overall international community by offering educational material, online courses, e-books and downloadable templates. Amanda Herzog (American), Krasimir Momchilov(Bulgarian) and Aurore Marchant (French) each come from a diverse work background and have a plethora of knowledge to offer their clients. Read more about their mission + vision statement, brand values and partners on the website!

If you know anyone in Sweden who is a foreigner that could use these purposeful tips, please share this information with them. It could ultimately change the trajectory and course of their career. This can also be insightful to share with your swedish friends, co-workers and companies; this could be of some very good use to them.

You can use the discount code: Networking299 to receive 100SEK/10USD off their course. :)

To get in touch with the team via LinkedIn and read about all things Intertalents of Sweden:

We never truly know where we're going to end up, but it's our confidence, faith and trust in God to determine and establish our plans. The world can be loud, noisy and negative. Don't allow others or the enemy to come against you--You have everything you need to be victorious in this life. God has strengthened you, equipped you and called you to run your race!

Proverbs 16:9 "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."

Isaiah 59:19 "So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."



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