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Constant Chaos in a Fallen World? Joy Is Yours!


In a world filled with constant competition, glorifying possessions, chasing after money, likes and followers, it can feel overwhelming to the point of exhaustion. I think it's safe to say we are all burned out. When you watch the world and all that's going on, it's crazy! But I want to remind you, that even with all the chaos and destruction, we can find solace and peace.

CC: A picture from a consignment shop with Bible Verse Song of Solomon 4:7 :) <3

Think about it, what are five things you love to do? Write them down on a piece of paper or your notes in your phone and make it a priority to accomplish that which brings you joy daily! I'll list my five below. I'd love to hear yours in the comments below. :)

  1. Spending time with Jesus and earnestly seeking Him

  2. Exercising--whether that's outside in nature or at the gym

  3. Uplifting people with my words

  4. Traveling of course!

  5. Watching a good series, movie or travel documentary

Five may seem like a lot, but, I challenge you to discover new things that you never knew about yourself. It could be practicing an instrument, writing a book, working on your garden or sewing your time to mentor a friend. There are so many things we can discover about ourselves and find excitement if we just put down the phone, turn off the tv and put away the laptop. Life is short and passing by--your life counts and your life matters. :) It's well said in the Bible in James 4:14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

When you think about joy what comes to mind? It's defined as an emotional state of great pleasure. When we remove ourselves from destructive environments and make time for the betterment of our well-being, we will feel that joy, true peace and pure love. When you exude that joy to your surroundings-- whether it's your colleagues at work, friends, family or strangers they will wonder and want that liveliness. People want to be around others that are growing, happy and seeking greater.

Remember, it's possible to experience joy even in a fallen world. Who are you surrounding yourself with? What are you listening to? What words are coming from your mouth? These are some basic factors that hold great power on your journey in life and where it will go. Cut off some friends that are dragging you down the wrong path, stop watching shows or listening to podcasts that are contradicting your character. Be completely honest with yourself and make those daily changes to seek improvement. You were born on purpose for a purpose and you have so much to offer the world. God says in Jeremiah 1:5 : “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

You were born for such a time as this--JOY IS YOURS!

Nehemiah 8:10 "The joy of the Lord is my strength"

Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Love you angels <3




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