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24 Hours In A Day--How Are You Spending Your Time?


We’re given 24 hours in a day… to break it down that's 12 hours in the day, 12 hours in the night. One hour containing 60 minutes and each minute consists of 60 seconds... and those 60 seconds equates to 60,000 milliseconds. Now enough basic math for the day, but that just goes to show you how much time we’re allotted each and every day, AND the importance of how we spend and use our time. This challenges me to analyze my life and see how I can navigate may way to progression. How does this challenge you?

CC: Me praying for a lady downtown Atlanta with Splendor Ministries <3

Life isn’t guaranteed tomorrow, so make sure you’re using your time wisely and partaking in things that better your life today—whether that’s getting up an extra hour early to pray, do some morning stretches, spend time with your loved ones, soak in the quiet time with yourself or maybe even silencing your phone each night two or three hours before bed--whatever it looks like for you, you can find a way to be less distracted on trivial things and recenter your mind. Focus on your goals and the mission God has called you for.

We’re living in a time never before where work and life balance has shifted tremendously and prioritizing our joy is of greater importance—as it should be. We should be spending time working at a company or owning one that is of high value that provides us with the proper nurturing for growth both career wise and personally, and also challenges us-- allowing us to soar. We should be living to work, not working to live. I understand that some people have to work to support there families to maintain and that’s completely fine. You do whatever works best for you. Baby steps angels. Just know that your hard work will pay off in the long run!

***And remember each one of our priorities looks different; it could be to change your diet, incorporate a healthy lifestyle, downgrade your social media intake, prioritize family life over work, volunteering at the animal shelter, going to counseling or therapy, trying out for the sport, readjusting your sleep regimen, creating artistically-- there's so much, but whatever it is, just start! :) ***

CC: I've been coming up with my own henna designs recently and have been loving the process. Fun fact--I've always loved henna, and just started playing around with it. :)

With the value we receive from our work and personal lives, we can allow that to overflow in assisting people in dire need of guidance, encouragement and the most important feeling of all.. love! There's endless amounts of organizations, clubs, ministries, volunteer work or even just the every day people we encounter to sew and serve into. You never know, you can truly change the course of someone's life just from your presence. Now there's true joy in that.

We as humans have a longing desire to want— whether that be money, the mass consumption of things or more vacation time. And while money, things and vacation is amazing--nothing wrong with it at all... just don't let it overpower you to where you lose yourself. Remember to focus and restructure on how our time is used and with time, endurance, perseverance, trials and patience we will reap what we sew in good season and greater things are coming! I believe in you angels!

Never give up and trust the process!


Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.



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